
Heavy rain game challenges
Heavy rain game challenges

heavy rain game challenges

Test some rocks to see if the rain helps them to become a tool you can use to write or draw pictures with. Place a water colouring book page outside and let the rain paint it for you. Rather than jumping in puddles, try to jump over them this time. Pump out some nice tunes through a window and do a rain dance. Collect some different shades of dirt or mud around your home and then paint with them. Imagine the beautiful images you would get in the wet! Cameras are just another way to help a child connect with the world around them. The colours are more vibrant and the chalk is easier to draw with too! It’s a different experience to draw with chalk on a wet surface. The bush changes when it rains, the greens are more vibrant and everything looks so much prettier.

heavy rain game challenges

Take some bowls filled with different ingredients like flour, sugar, oats and salt out into the rain and see what happens to the material when they get droplets of water on them. Play games. Play games like relay races, stuck in the mud and red rover.Make nature boats and then float them in a creek or gutter. It’s really interesting to look at when you’ve seen it at its usual size. Who says they’re just for playing in the bath?! Play with bath toys out in the rain and in the mud puddles. Try Rain, Rain Go Away, I Can Sing a Rainbow or I’m Singing in the Rain! Songs with a rain theme are perfect for singing in the rain. Fill containers. Place many different sized containers out in the rain and let your child estimate which one will fill first!.Frogs, ducks and snails come to mind but I’m sure you can think of more! Act like animals. Pretend to be an animal that loves the rain.The best time to search for rainbow is just after it rains. Make a dam. Find a small body of running water around your house and see if you can hold it back by making a small dam.Place a start and finishing line on the inside of the window with whiteboard markers. If you have plenty of mud around, mud pies are a must in the rain! Look for animals that love the rain like frogs, ducks and snails. Then, float leaves in it and watch them get moved by the current you created. Find a puddle and with your hand or sticks, make it into a tidal pool. Get really, really dirty and make mud angels in the sopping, wet dirt. Fully clothed or in your swimmers, either way it’s going to be so much fun. Of course if there high winds or electric storms, best to stay indoors and watch the amazing force of nature through a glass window. Many of us stay indoors when it’s raining, but as you’ll see, there are plenty of activities to do out in the rain. It sometimes feels like we live in the middle of a rainforest with all those vibrant greens popping off the foliage. I love how only a quick downpour transforms the nature around our house.

Heavy rain game challenges